Koi Grades
We grade our Koi using our own in house standards. Standards which are based on decades of knowledge gained through hands on training in Japan and Blackwater’s own production of tens of millions of Koi throughout the years. We offer 3 grades of Koi for sale after culling and grow out in the Koi mud ponds. Judging Koi is a subjective matter, and grading Koi is as well. Throughout history, Koi varieties, patterns and even colors have improved tremendously. Because of this, there are no specific rules that are applied, across the board, when grading Koi. Here are the “Grades” of Koi we produce.

Premium Grade is typically comprised of less than 5% of the Koi harvest. These fish represent the highest grade of fish produced at Blackwater Creek. They contain all the qualities possessed in the imported varieties including great conformation, color, and pattern. Our premium fish always place well at the various Koi shows throughout the country.
Select Grade make up approximately 25% of the Koi harvest. This grade of Koi are our mid-grade Nishikigoi. These fish have recognizable colors and patterns that allow easy identification of variety. We produce many varieties of Koi Fish in this grade.
Decorative Grade which represent 50% of the Koi harvest. Our Decorative grade Koi fish are a great mix of colors, patterns, and varieties. These “starter” fish make wonderful additions to any pond or retail sales system. They are considered decorative because the patterns are mixed and the colors mixed as well. These fish are the most common fish out of any given spawning group.
Whichever Koi grade you choose, you can be sure they are hand selected by an experienced crew that will provide Koi you or your customers will love.