Ochiba Koi, also known as Ochiba Shigure, are a fascinating variety of koi with a unique appearance.
Meaning and Origin: The name “Ochiba Shigure” translates to “Autumn leaves on the water” in Japanese. This poetic name reflects their appearance, which resembles fallen leaves floating on the water during autumn. Ochiba Koi were developed by crossbreeding two other koi varieties: Chagoi (known for their brown color) and Soragoi (solid blue-gray). The result is a koi with a silver-gray base skin color overlaid with striking patterns of bronze or gold.
Base Color: Ochiba Koi typically have a silver-gray background or base skin color.
Pattern: Their most distinctive feature is the brown or copper pattern on their back. This pattern represents the fallen leaves, creating a harmonious contrast with the base color.
Scale Reticulation: The base color exhibits a reticulated look, resembling fine netting due to each scale being outlined by thin lines.
Doitsu Variation: Ochiba Koi also come in a Doitsu version, which means they can be partially or completely scaleless. The Doitsu Ochiba should maintain the same characteristics as the fully scaled version, minus the reticulation of the scales.
Desirable Traits:
Consistent Base Color: Look for a silver-gray base color with good scale reticulation. Misaligned scales should be avoided.
Balanced Pattern: The pattern on the back should be pleasing to the eye and well-balanced. Multiple steps in the pattern are preferred.
Strong Pattern Edges: Each plate of the pattern should have a strong kiwa (pattern edges). Fading edges may indicate pattern instability.
Robust Body Confirmation: Ochiba Koi should have a solid, robust appearance, conveying strength and vitality.
These docile and friendly koi can grow to large sizes and add a touch of autumn elegance to any pond. Remember, a good Ochiba should embody the best qualities of a good Kohaku koi!
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