Platinum Ogon

Platinum Ogon Koi have a solid, metallic-white color. In Japan, they are referred to as Purachina Ogon, but in the American koi industry, they are almost exclusively known as Platinum Ogon. These koi lack intricate patterns but compensate with their bright metallic sheen that stands out beautifully in any pond. They can create a harmonious balance alongside other multi-colored koi varieties



Gin Rin Platinum Ogon: This variation features a sparkling, reflective scale pattern (gin rin) on its metallic-white body.

Doitsu Platinum Ogon: These koi have a smooth, scaleless back (doitsu) and maintain the same stunning white color.


What to Look For:

Unblemished Body: A flawless body with good scalation is crucial for Platinum Ogon. Any blemish or scar will be noticeable due to their solid color.

Clear, Unblemished Head: The head should also be pristine. A blemished or dirty head detracts from their overall beauty.

Bright Metallic Sheen: The white color of both head and body should exhibit a stunning metallic sheen.
Beware of Imitations: Be cautious of extremely light-colored Yamabuki Ogon being passed off as Platinum Ogon


If you’re considering adding these elegant koi to your pond, keep an eye out for these characteristics. Their simplicity and gracefulness will undoubtedly draw attention!

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